Low impact on the environment
What we do
We continuously try to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment by setting ambitious targets on environmental topics.
The topics that we find important:
- Climate change
- Chemical use and pollution
- Energy use
- Waste
Our efforts to lower our environmental impact contribute to SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate action) by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our operations and our investments in solar panels and energy saving measures.
Climate change
Climate change has a negative impact on the health and safety of people worldwide. We want to reduce greenhouse emissions from our own operations and from our upstream and downstream value chain in line with the Paris agreement’s goal of keeping global warming within 1.5°C above the average temperature in the pre-industrial era (1850 – 1900).
Our targets:
- Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
- Reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions for selected scope 3 categories 25% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
- 60% of our suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services, will have science-based targets by 2027.
- Reduce greenhouse gas intensity of scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 business travel by 30% by 2025 compared to 2019 emissions (5% reduction per year).

Chemical use and pollution
We use chemicals that are classified as chemicals of concern or chemicals of very high concern by the European Union. When released into the environment as pollutants, these chemicals may have a negative impact on human health or the environment. We try to contribute to the realization of a clean(er) living environment by minimizing emissions of pollutants and ensuring careful handling of chemicals of (very high) concern.

Energy use
Energy use plays a pivotal role in shaping the way we live, work and progress. Energy powers the world but at the same time can contribute significantly to climate change. The choices we make in our energy use can have a big impact depending on whether we use energy from fossil fuel or renewable sources. Despite producing part of the electricity we use with solar panels at our facilities, Fagron is a net energy consumer. By reducing energy use we try to reduce its climate change impact.
Our target:
- 50% of electricity use is renewable in 2025, 100% in 2030.

Unsustainable waste management leads to environmental pollution, health risks, and contributes to climate change. Incineration or land filling waste instead of recycling waste also leads to loss of valuable resources and contributes to resource scarcity. Reducing the amount of waste and maintaining a well-functioning waste management system can minimize these negative impacts. Fagron generates waste in its own operations and waste is also generated in our upstream and downstream value chain. We strive to minimize the impact of waste management by reducing the quantity of waste produced in our own operations and by increasing waste recycling.
Our target:
- Separate paper/carton, metal packaging, and plastic packaging in all Fagron locations by 2025.