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Waregem (Belgium) / Rotterdam (the Netherlands)[1], 12 October 2012 (7:30 a.m.) – In the third quarter of 2012, Arseus’s consolidated turnover increased by 4.5% (5.1% at constant exchange rates) to €121.9 million. Organic growth amounted to 5.4% (6.0%). In the first nine months of 2012, consolidated turnover increased by 11.7% (11.8%) to €390.2 million. Organic growth amounted to 5.1% (5.2%).

The evolution of turnover[2] per division is as follows:

x 1,000 euros Q3 2012 Q3 2011 Total growth Org. growth Fagron 65,536 61,251 +7.0% +8.7% Arseus Dental 34,908 34,536 +1.1% +1.1% Arseus Medical 12,353 12,629 -2.2% -2.2% Corilus 9,138 8,253 +10.7% +10.7% Total 121,935 116,669 +4.5% +5.4% x 1,000 euros 9M 2012 9M 2011 Total growth Org. growth Fagron 206,601 170,055 +21.5% +7.6% Arseus Dental 118,519 116,143 +2.0% +2.0% Arseus Medical 38,096 38,446 -0.9% -0.9% Corilus 26,990 24,759 +9.0% +9.0% Total 390,207 349,403 +11.7% +5.1%

Ger van Jeveren, CEO of Arseus: ‘In the third quarter of 2012, Arseus once again recorded a solid result, with organic growth of 5.4%. This illustrates the successful execution of our innovation strategy. The focus on our own brands and the development of innovative concepts and solutions with substantial added value has meant that Arseus has suffered little, if at all from the continually changing economic circumstances. We therefore are confident about the future and confirm the expectations we announced earlier for 2012 as a whole. For 2012, we expect healthy organic growth and profitability that is once again to grow faster than turnover.’

[1] This press release was sent out by Arseus NV and Arseus BV.
[2] Unaudited management figures.

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