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Company limited by shares, having made a public appeal on savings
Textielstraat 24, 8790 Waregem, Belgium
VAT BE 0890.535.026 RLE Kortrijk


This document has been translated for information purposes only. The Dutch version is the only valid document.

The board of directors has the honour of inviting the holders of shares and warrants to attend the second extraordinary general meeting which will take place at 11:30 CET on 13 June 2014 at the office of civil-law notary Liesbet Degroote at Beneluxpark 13, 8500 Kortrijk (or a location to be announced there at that time), each time with the following agenda, containing motions to vote.

Agenda of the extraordinary general meeting

1. Authorisation for the acquisition and disposal of treasury shares – Amendment of Article 53 of the Articles of Association.

Comment to the agenda item: The authorisation granted by the extraordinary general meeting of 16 June 2009 to the board of directors to acquire or dispose of treasury shares for a period of 5 years counted from the moment of authorisation expires on 16 June 2014.

The authorisation of the board of directors for a period of 5 years counted from the moment of authorisation to acquire treasury shares by purchase or exchange, directly or via a person acting in its own name but for the company’s account, for a price of no less than € 1.00 and no more than the average of the closing prices in the 10 working days prior to the date of the acquisition or exchange, plus 10%, in such a manner that the Company at no time owns shares in its own capital with an accounting par value in excess of 20% of the Company’s issued capital must be renewed.

Please open the link below for the press release: