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Fagron NV: Convocation extraordinary general shareholders meeting

News 1 min read

Waregem (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 15 March 2016


Company limited by shares, making or having made a public appeal on savings (“Naamloze vennootschap die een openbaar beroep op het spaarwezen doet of heeft gedaan“)
Textielstraat 24, 8790 Waregem, Belgium
VAT BE 0890.535.026
RLE Ghent, division Kortrijk


The board of directors (the Board of Directors) of Fagron NV (the Company) has the honour of inviting the holders of securities to attend the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting of the Company which will be held on 14 April 2016 at the office of civil-law notary Liesbet Degroote at Beneluxpark 13, 8500 Kortrijk , at 2 p.m. CET (Belgian time) or at such other place as will be indicated at that place at that time, and if the quorum required by law to validly deliberate and vote is not reached at this meeting, to attend a second extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting which will take place on 4 May 2016 at the office of civil-law notary Liesbet Degroote at Beneluxpark 13, 8500 Kortrijk, at 2 p.m. CET (Belgian time) or at such other place as will be indicated at that place at that time, each time with the following agenda, containing proposed resolutions.

Please open the link below for the full press release: