Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 13 December 2021 – 7:00AM CET
Save the date Fagron Capital Markets Day 2022
Fagron is pleased to announce its Capital Markets Day will be held on 15 March 2022. The event will take place at its premises in Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands, and participants will have the opportunity to attend in person or via a webcast facility.
At the event, members of Fagron’s Executive Leadership team will provide an update on business activities and strategy and present medium-term objectives.
Further details, including the full program and timing, will be provided in advance of the event and registration will be available on Fagron’s website closer to the event.
Further information
Karen Berg
Global Investor Relations Manager
Tel. +31 6 53 44 91 99
About Fagron
Fagron is a leading global company active in pharmaceutical compounding, focusing on delivering personalized medicine to hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and patients in 35 countries around the world.
Belgian company Fagron NV has its registered office in Nazareth and is listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam under the ticker symbol ‘FAGR’. Fagron’s operational activities are managed by the Dutch company Fagron BV, which is headquartered in Rotterdam.
In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.
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Save the date Fagron Capital Markets Day 2022