Together with prescribers and pharmacists, Fagron strives to improve personalized medicine and to make it (more) accessible for patients. In this way, we aim to have a significant impact on the health and welfare of people.
Fagron shares are listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam. In this section, you can find more information about inter alia share performance, major shareholders, management shareholdings, shareholder notifications and dividend.
In this section you can search in our archive of press releases, financial results, annual reports, presentations, and other publications. You can search by year or by document type.
ESG lies at the core of Fagron’s activities and strategy.
As a global company with the ambition to create the future of personalized medicine, Fagron is committed to ensuring good corporate governance. In this section you can find Fagron's governance documents, policies and details about Fagron's management structure.
Please find below the Investor Relations schedule for the coming period.
In this section you can search in our archive of conference presentations and prospectus documents.