Shareholder structure

Article 11 of the articles of association of the company specifies that participations must be notified as soon as a threshold of 3%, 5% and any multiple of 5% has been passed.

The number of Fagron shares with voting rights is 72,960,154. The total number of voting rights (denominator) is 72,960,154.

Situation on 14 April 2022 based on the notifications received:

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Alychlo NV
Kabouter Management LLC
Mawer Investment Management Ltd.

The shareholding of Fagron’s Board of Directors as most recently updated per 21 December 2021 is presented in the table below.

Koen Hoffman
Rafael Padilla
Karin de Jong
Giulia van Waeyenberge
Veerle Deprez
Michael Schenck
Rob ten Hoedt

The shareholding of Fagron’s Executive Leadership Team as most recently updated per 21 December 2021 is presented in the table below.

Rafael Padilla
Karin de Jong
Constantijn van Rietschoten
Andrew Pulido
Ivan Marostica
Johan Verlinden

Shareholding Notification for FAGRON on behalf of FMR LLC


AOC – Transparency notification Fagron


Mawer Investment Management Ltd. – Transparency notification (upward crossing)


Openbaarmaking kennisgeving van AOC Pharma S.à r.l. – passering 10% drempel
