ESG lies at the core of Fagron’s activities and strategy.

ESG Management & Strategy

ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) lies at the core of Fagron’s activities and strategy. With more than 3,000 colleagues, Fagron products and services contribute every day to improving people’s health. 

“ESG is central to our way of working; we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, take care of our people and want to make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate.” – Rafael Padilla, CEO.

As a global company with the purpose of creating the future of personalizing medicine, we aim to produce all our products ethically and responsibly. We strive to create long-term value for all our stakeholders: customers, employees, investors, and society. We do this by lowering our environmental impact, providing benefits to our people, taking responsibility in our supply chain, and giving back to the communities in which we operate.

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Key Figures 2024

For more information scroll down to our ESG Categories.

Units of compounded medicine supplied
Climate change impact, scope 1 & 2 (metric tons of CO2-eq)
Employee sustainable engagement score

Our ESG Categories


We continuously try to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment by setting ambitious targets on environmental topics. We actively work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy use, reducing emissions to air and soil, and improving waste management. 

Benefits to our people

We encourage a working environment where every individual is empowered to perform at its best, and all our people can innovate and develop. We continuously build and foster a culture that enables our employees to become the best version of themselves. Important topics are compensation & benefits, diversity & inclusion, employee engagement, health & safety, human rights & labor rights, training & development, and working hours. 

Responsibility in the supply chain

Through our facilities and our supply chain, Fagron has an influence on communities all over the world. We strive to have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate. We expect our business partners to conduct business ethically, in line with our Business Partner Code of Conduct. Important topics are health & safety, and human rights & labor rights.

Giving back

Fagron supplies products vital to the operation of healthcare systems in the markets where we operate. Besides improving patients’ lives, Fagron gives back to the communities where we operate by providing education on personalizing medicine via Fagron Academy. Important topics are access to healthcare, human rights & labor rights, and product quality & safety.

Good governance

Fagron considers good governance vital to conducting business. It is a guideline that helps ensure a responsible way of doing business and carrying out activities. Important topics are compliance with laws and regulations, corruption & bribery, our grievance mechanism, and remuneration of executives.